Personal and Business Loan

Business SME Loan

If you want your company to operate effectively, as a business owner, you need to understand the various financing options available to you.

For a person, being in debt is usually regarded as somewhat of a negative thing. However, taking up business loans, also known as “financing”, is a common practice for most companies big and small.

When used strategically, loans provide businesses with the ammunition they need in order to scale up operations and to seize opportunities which come their way.

Residential Loan

Getting your HDB for the first time can be quite an experience. From applying for your unit to getting your house keys, there seem to be an endless amount of information to read up on.

To top it off, a HDB flat is one of the big-ticket purchase for many and everyone is trying to make more informed decision to save some bucks. Making an informed decision is rather brain draining

Refinancing is the process of switching your existing home loan package to a new one with another bank.

People refinance all the time to take advantage of better interest rates, to manage their cash flow (by lowering their monthly repayments), or to change their mortgage type (for example, from a floating rate to a fixed rate package).

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